14 year old boy that was found after he went missing
A couple of weeks ago a 14 year old boy went missing in the Los Angeles county. His name was Elias Rodriguez. After school he had called his mother from a friends phone to come and pick him up. His mother did not pick up the phone because she did not recognize the phone number. So, Elias left his mom a voicemail saying that he would walk home. That day he walked home was the day California had one of the biggest rainstorms. A couple days later he was announced missing and the FBI helped the family look for their son. Elias normally walked past the L.A River on his way home when he would walk to his grandparents house.There was even surveillance video showing Elias walking on Glen Oaks Boulevard. The LAPD had many different assumptions on where he could be or what had happened to him such as getting caught in the wash, running away, or getting kidnapped.There was no further explanation on this until February 28. On February 28 Elias’ body was found on an island in the L.A River near the 5 freeway in Los Feliz. The body had many injuries because the body traveled around 20 miles down the river but was identified by the family that it was Elias’ . The cause of Elias’ death was that he drowned accidentally. As of today there is a memorial with balloons, flowers, and candles near the river in order to remember

Sasha Kalpakoff is 12 years old and in 7th grade at st. Philip the apostle school. She lives in Pasadena, California with her parents and her cat named...