President Taft Is Stuck in the Bath

President Taft is Struck in the Bath is a hilarious children’s book by Mac Barnett, and illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. The story follows our 27th President, William Howard Taft, on a comical misadventure. Because of his husky frame, one day while taking a bath, the president manages to get stuck in his bath tub. In the story, Taft, the vice president and many of his advisors attempt to get the president unstuck from his rapidly cooling bath, with hilarious solutions such as buttering the tub. I would give this book 5 stars for K-2nd graders, but it is funny at all ages. As to whether this story is true or not… well, it is no secret that Taft had to specially order a size extra large bathtub during his time in the White House!

Mark Valenzuela is in Sra Cross's seventh grade class. Mark loves running, football, and playing baseball. He loves to read, and his favorite subject is...