The Living Stations and Agape
Next week, the Living Stations of the Cross and the Agape will be happening before they let us off on spring break. When I was a little kid, I used to be super bored during the whole service because all I wanted was to go home and watch TV and get off on Easter Break, but now I need the relaxation and God’s love so I think well of the whole service. If you are a kindergartner reading this, you may ask, what are the Living Stations and the Agape? So, the Living Stations is when the eighth graders act out all the Stations of the Cross. Remember, every Friday we have to go to mass and hear about the stories of each station. They are basically acting each station out. And the Agape, that’s where all of us, in our school families sort of reenact the last supper. We will find out next Thursday who will be playing all the big roles such as Jesus, Mary, and Pontius Pilate. I am excited to see what we will experience this year with the Living Stations and the Agape, I hope all of you enjoy it. Thanks, Falcons!

Will Crowley is in seventh grade. He plays sports such as swimming, football, and basketball. He enjoys writing about sports, video games, and movies. ...