The 6th grade valentines party was outside and consisted of fun games like Scrabble bingo and conga, they also did a challenge to guess how much candy was in a jar. The winner of these games would be announced at the end of the party. All the games included prizes like Baskin Robins gift cards of Target gift cards. There were also delicious foods like donuts and cupcakes. The kids took individual pictures taken by Mr. James with pink sunglasses given to them by Andrew Ralph. After eating their cupcakes, donuts and chips they went to go play games until the teachers called them back to announce the winners of Scrabble and the person who guessed how much candy was in the jar. Margo correctly guessed how much candy was in the jar and there were lots of winners of Scrabble bingo and conga. After they announced the winners the 6th graders went back inside to their classrooms to pass out candy and enjoy some before it was time for dismissal.
6th grade valentines party
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