Junior High Box Tops

Junior High Box Tops

In the lower grades, seemingly everyone turns in Box Tops. In Junior High, the Box Top collecting is greatly lessened. A lower grade class usually win the prize for collecting the most Box Tops, usually leaving the Junior High classes far behind.

Box Tops, formally Box Tops for Education, can be redeemed for a dime each when turned in by a school. Box Tops can be found on Kleenex boxes, Cheerios, and hundreds more common products from apparel to tableware to produce. According to the Box Tops for Education website, over 80, 000 K-8 schools participate in the Box Tops program, one of Americas largest school loyalty earnings programs.

Most of the Junior High grades have contributed very few Box Tops (such as in 8B, where three people have contributed all of the collected box tops), but there other classes like 6B, which has collected several hundred Box Tops (though that is the largest number of Box Tops by this point for that class in recent years).