School Unity Sundays
Saint Philip the Apostle school has initiated a program in which different grades sponsor Sunday masses. Once a month, at the 9:15 mass, each grade will take different jobs to participate more fully in the masses. Possible job choices are: greeters, scripture lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, and the grade sponsoring the mass will show up in St. Philip school uniform. Other students from the school are encouraged to come to support classmates.
As stated in the September 14th packet sent from Mrs. Ramirez, School Unity Sundays “was created to strengthen the relationship between the school community and the broader parish community, encourage students to develop leadership roles in the Parish and highlight the unity among us.”
The kick-off date was September 20 in which 5th grade led the first Unity Sunday mass. The next mass is scheduled to be on October 18th, also at the 9:15 mass, the 4th graders will sponsor the mass appearing in their St. Philip uniform attire.
Lots of St. Philip students attended the first Unity Sunday with their families. Not only does it encourage spirit within the school community, but it also binds families and encourages them to continue their faith journey in Catholicism.

Vivian is a 8th grader this year attending Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has two cats, both of which are featured on Falcon's Flyer (Honey and Onion...