Grades K-5 Halloween Contest: Write Stories and Draw Pictures!
Falcon’s Flyer will be hosting two contests for the Halloween season: a drawing contest for grades K-2 and a Halloween stories contest for grades 3-5! These are two separate contests and will be reviewed by Danay Dunn and Vivian Nguyen in the 7th grade. The deadline is on Wednesday the 21st of October. If interested, be sure to participate because the contest is open to anyone from K-5 grades! The results will be determined on Monday the 26th, and prizes will be given on this day.
- Stories and drawings must be submitted by Thursday, October 15 to MRS. O’TOOLE in the 8B classroom. Be sure to say that it is for the “Halloween contest.”
- Stories should be about a paragraph long, at least a few sentences.
- WRITE YOUR FULL NAME AND CLASS on the story/drawing or else the piece will not count in the contest.
- Drawings must be colored.
- Stories must be made up and original, and not copied from the internet or a book.
- Stories and drawings should be appropriate. Profanity or inappropriate messages/phrases in content will automatically disqualify the student from the contest.
- K-2 draws pictures of Halloween-related scenes or objects. If desired, they may want to add a caption.
- 3-5 writes Halloween stories. They should be detailed and “spooky.” If desired, an illustration may be added.
- Be creative! Be sure to color neatly and have fun!
A. Prizes for K-2
1st Place- Cherry On Top Certificate and a Free Dress Pass
2nd Place- Free Dress Pass
3rd Place- Free Dress Pass
B. Prizes for 3-5
1st Place- Cherry On Top Certificate
2nd Place- Free Dress Pass
3rd Place- Free Dress Pass
If there are any questions, you can email Danay Dunn and Vivian Nguyen at [email protected] or [email protected].

Vivian is a 8th grader this year attending Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has two cats, both of which are featured on Falcon's Flyer (Honey and Onion...

Danay Dunn is a 8th grader in Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has a younger sister, Neci, in the fourth grade. Her favorite subject is Science. Danay...
Vivian Nguyen • Oct 17, 2015 at 2:28 pm
EDIT: Stories and drawings must be submitted by Thursday, October 22!!