Mother’s Day Crafts

In honor of Mother’s Day on May the 8th, Falcon’s Flyer has compiled a list of 3 DIY decorations that will brighten every mom’s mood! This shows each hard-working, loving, super mom that you truly appreciate her efforts for you.

The first craft is a cute bag that you can form from a handful of zippers and a rectangle of fabric. Bags are always useful to store the mom necessities, and a handmade one will always remind your mother that you love her!

  1. Assemble materials. You will need seven 7-inch long zippers, a needle and thread, and a 6” by 8” square of fabric.
  2. Position the zippers horizontally with the long sides touchings. On each, be sure to place the zipper pull on the opposite end of the one before.
  3. Pin each zipper to each other, starting from the top edge of the bottom zipper to the bottom edge of the top zipper.
  4. Next, machine-stitch the zippers together with a ⅛ inch seam allowance. Cut away excess thread and iron the seams flat. Open the center zipper one inch.
  5. Position the zipper rectangle onto the rectangle of fabric, insides facing each other (so both sides are inside out). Pin to each other, and sew.
  6. Cut away the extra threads. Fully open up the center zipper from Step 4 and iron the seams flat.

The second craft is a cute centerpiece – a mint colored can of roses. This project only takes about 10 minutes, if you already have the can ready.

  1. Gather materials – you’ll need a can, assorted washi tape, and a little tag that is linked here.
  2. Optional step: Paint the can a desired color. Leave to dry overnight.
  3. Wrap washi tapes over the can in the design you like.
  4. Glue (hot glue is an option) tag onto the can and assemble roses inside.


And lastly, the third craft are beautiful marbled mugs that you can find at actual stores! This DIY looks super professional but is actually a breeze to make yourself.

  1. Gather materials – you’ll need ceramic cups, a container of water, and assorted nail polishes.
  2. Gently and slowly pour one color nail polish all around in the container of water – this results in a thin film of nail polish. You might not need to pour the whole bottle of nail polish; be easy.
  3. Act fast – the nail polish dries quite quickly! Dip and roll the edge of the cup in the nail polish film.
  4. Set to dry. Repeat the steps with each cup and your desired nail polishes.


To view more sweet mother’s day crafts, click here: