The 7th Grade Retreat

On Wednesday, April 27th, the 7th grade visited St. Joseph’s Salesian Youth Renewal Retreat Center for a retreat. The Center is located next to Don Bosco High School and has a building to house priests-in-training. The 7th grade has also visited the place last year in sixth grade.

All of the 7th graders we interviewed said they had a great time and that it was a lot of fun. We asked a few people what their favorite game was throughout the whole retreat and most of the answers varied from postmaster, hot potato, and the bandana game but overall the most popular game was working as a team to cross the “shark infested water” only stepping on bandanas. There were many lessons learned from this retreat that will stay with us and some of these included, “to savor the moment before it disappears and before we’re not kids anymore, we should all work together and respect each other, to treat each other like family, and not to be so self centered and realize that others really can help.” Everyone said that they loved the retreat and that they are looking forward to the next one!


Activities in the retreat included:

  • Reciting several interactive prayers
  • Working in groups for a teamwork activity on the field (we laid bandannas on the field and got across using teamwork)
  • Playing hot potato
  • Having fun activities for play and exercise
  • Multiple discussions on respecting others, playing and working hard, and being role models for younger grades


Overall, the 7th grade had a great time. ‘Till next time, Falcons!