Rory Burke: Adios

It used to be nine years now it’s four days. Oh how time flies. I remember walking into school the first day of school and being frightened. Now I walk the hallways without a problem. In third grade I couldn’t wait to get out of school but now I’m so sad to leave. St. Philips has paved me a path for success. I have now made my way to Mayfield Senior School, my dream school since forever. It makes me sad that in just a few days my whole St. Philip experience will finally be over. I have made lots of amazing friends and had lots of fun with many school wide events. As graduation approaches the final realizations that my grade and I will never be together as a whole again is finally hitting is. It has finally sunk in. I’m thankful for my time at the amazing school and will never forget it. I will definitely miss my teachers as well as my friends. I have had lots of fun doing speech and debate, student council, and of course, Falcons Flyer. The events at this school have greatly transformed me into a better, more confident person. Thank you for the memories St. Philips. Goodbye.