High School Visits

8th grade explores their options

Lately, High School has been the talk of the 8th grade. Everyone has been excitedly chattering about the four years of their lives that are to come once they leave St. Philip the Apostle School. Now, it’s no secret that choosing a high school is not easy, but luckily the 8th graders don’t have to pick uninformed. A common practice among high schools is to visit 8th grade classes in order to inform the students of the benefits of their school. St. Philip is not exempt of this tradition, and so over the last few weeks many of the local high school have been coming to make their visit.

Within these high schools are the three categories of gender type for the school, which are all girls, all boys, and both. All three of these groups have been represented thus far.

The high schools that have visited the girls so far include Holy Family, St. Lucy, Alverno, Ramona Convent, Mayfield, and San Gabriel Mission. The high schools that have visited the boys include Damien, Don Bosco Tech, and Cathedral. The co-education high schools (which means the high schools for both boys and girls) that have come to call so far are Maranatha and St. Monica. Currently, there are four more high schools that are scheduled to visit, 1 being a co-ed, 1 being all boys, and  2 being all girls. The dates and high schools are as follows:  October 29, LaSalle, a co-ed high school comes to speak to the entire 8th grade. October 30, Loyola, an all boys high school, comes to visit the young men of the 8th grade. November 5, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy (FSHA) comes to visit the young ladies of the graduating class. And finally, November 6, Immaculate Heart comes to visit the 8th grade girls.

Along with the high school visits to the grade in class, students also have the opportunity to sign up for shadow days, which gives the student the chance to go through the high school with a students attending the high school. This gives the student the real life experience of how attending the high school would be, and therefore gives them a clear picture of their idea on the school. Information about the schools can also be found through contact with the high schools.