The Upside Down Christmas Tree

There is a new trend this Christmas season and it’s definitely something that may be a little controversial. This trend is the upside down Christmas tree. Now you may think that this goes against the laws of Christians or that It may be somehow disrespectful towards the actual meaning of Christmas, but this tree actually has a positive meaning towards it. The tree actually represents the trinity. It represents how God the son became man and the shape of how Christ was crucified. This has been a tradition more common in Europe but was recently introduced to the United States. This tree is now being sold in stores such as Target, Home Depot, Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohl’s. You may be wondering how these trees hang from the ceiling, well, some are hung by a sturdy bracket or mounted from the base onto a wall. There are many benefits from this tree although it may seem impractical. These benefits are that they help children stay away from the ornaments, keeping pets from knocking it over, and more presents can fit under the tree. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical when I first heard about this tree but now I think its actually a really interesting looking tree and almost seems futuristic. Overall this tree can add a unique touch to your house and may be safer during chaotic Christmas time.

Sasha Kalpakoff is 12 years old and in 7th grade at st. Philip the apostle school. She lives in Pasadena, California with her parents and her cat named...