2018 Flag Football Playoffs
The regular season for our varsity football team just ended and we went undefeated. Even though we lost many players due to injuries we still did very well. The Falcons won a tournament and defeated everyone in our conference which is Assumption, St. Rita, St. Elizabeth, St. Felicitas and Perpetua, and Holy Angels. Now our team is in the playoffs. We played St. Christopher on Sunday, November 4th and “mercied” them in the 3rd quarter 36-6. We started off poorly losing 2-6 but then we fought back to win. We play St. Louis on Saturday and Assumption or St. Beads on Sunday, November 11th. If we win those games on November 10 and November 11 then we’ll be in the championship the next week on November 17 and we’ll probably play Visitation or American Martyrs. We hope that our fellow Falcons win the championship so now pray for the Falcons.

Will Crowley is in seventh grade. He plays sports such as swimming, football, and basketball. He enjoys writing about sports, video games, and movies. ...