The summer’s biggest movie and song!
I think the big new movie of the summer is going to be “The Fault In Our Stars”. This movie is going to be the big summer movie because it was a huge novel and everybody read the book. The movie is coming out this week, and is going to be continuously popular for at least the rest of the year! If I was to guess a rate for the movie, out of five stars, I would rate it five stars.
I feel that the new song of the summer is “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea. Everybody now is singing this song, with the catchy lyrics and the cool rapping, by the time 2014 is over this song won’t be forgotten. I feel that this song should be rated five stars because its so catchy, and has a very cool beat as well.

This is Jake's second year on falcons flyers. He loves to write about food and movies. Jake loves to track and volleyball. Jake has big feet. Jake...