“Elf the Musical”

We all know that last year was a crazy year, but despite the masks, we are slowly returning back to normal. One of the biggest things returning is the Drama Club. Our first production of the year is “Elf the Musical.”
In case you didn’t know this musical is based on the movie “Elf” a popular Christmas movie watched in almost every household. In this Musical Ella Mechoso will play Buddy the Elf. This production will be different this year. First, it is a musical. Usually the fall performance is a play. Second, the fall musical is actually on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of December whereas usually it is right before Thanksgiving Break. This musical will be very fun to watch. Sadly, casting for roles has been completed. Stage crew spots are still available so be sure to watch out for the auditions for the Spring Musical. If you are curious on the casting, the cast list is in the learning commons opposite side of the bookdrop. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this production and we can’t wait to see the show. 🙂