Farewell to the Falcon’s Flyer
I have spent nine years of my life at Saint Philip the Apostle School. I started my journey in kindergarten, in a classroom in the old school building on the other side of the church. Soon I will end my St. Philip journey in the church with those whom I have spent the last nine years; with the people who I have spent parts of about 1600 days, and some 11,000 hours with them during school hours.
When I was in about second grade, I remember reading the school newspaper, in a different incarnation. I thought that writing for the newspaper would be fun, and was disappointed when it folded at some point. On a rainy day in seventh grade, I heard an announcement over the intercom that the newspaper would be reborn. After a brief deliberation, I decided that I would join the newspaper. I, as I hoped to, wrote an article for all but three weeks that year. I wrote 24 sports articles, and one learning article. This year, I again wrote for Falcons Flyer. I learned to branch my horizons, writing for sports, cooking, investigative report, and learning.
I have spent the past two years writing for Falcons Flyer. I have learned a lot writing my fifty or so articles, and improved greatly from my first article. My overall writing, not just my articles for the newspaper, has improved with the 10,000 or so words that I have written over the past two years for Falcons Flyer. I have enjoyed most of the articles I have written, and am considering joining the Loyola newspaper next year.

Paul is an 8th grader at St. Philip the Apostle School. He participates in track, cross country, basketball, flag football, alter serving, academic decathlon,...
Mrs. Ramirez • Jun 2, 2015 at 1:39 pm
I hope that you join the Loyola newspaper. I bet its called the Cub Reporter, or something like that. I’ve enjoyed reading your stories over the last two years. Thank you, Paul!