2nd Place Junior High: Song Sung Wrong

Once upon a time there was a girl named Airwrecka. She was a peasant in a county called “Fossil County”. She lived with her mother in a small barn next to their family’s bakery. Her father had died when she was very young. Airwrecka loved to read. Since she could not afford school, all day she would bake bread for the bakery and read her favorite book, Little Women, over and over again.

On one dark day Airwrecka had baked as much bread as she possibly could, so she decided to read. She had finished Little Woman the night before but decided to start over, reading it for the 23rd time. She read it very quickly and finished two hours after she started. Airwrecka could practically cite that book word for word since she read it so much. She was very bored and had nothing else to do, so she decided to read the author’s note. She opened the book to the page where the author told about themselves when a beige piece of paper with writing on it fell out. Airwrecka had to read it, being the curious girl she is. The letter read,

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Airwrecka obviously wanted to see her father again, so she decided to follow his command. Luckily, it was October 30, so Airwrecka only had to wait one day to see her father again.

The next day at 9:00 pm Airwrecka grabbed her black coat and ran out to the graveyard, where her father’s grave lied. She went deep into the graveyard passing many family member’s  graves. Once she finally reached her father’s grave, she started to sing the song a fast as she could: Tik, tok. Tic, toc. Daddy please come back to me. tik tok. tik tok. Daddy won’t you play with me. tik tok. tik tok. And come kill my family. Airwrecka did not notice that she had said “come and kill my family” instead of saying “please don’t kill my family”. She didn’t think that messing up the words would change anything, but she was wrong.

Then, after Airwrecka sang the song, a large, close-to-transparent creature came out of her father’s grave. She noticed that this creature had a very familiar face, but couldn’t pick up who it was. She also noticed that this creature was not on feet, it was hovering above the ground. She assumed it was a ghost, but why was it there? Where was her father?

The ghost came up very close to Airwrecka’s face and started to speak in a raspy voice: “You know your song was sung wrong. And now you must pay the consequences.” “But, what are the consequences?” Airwrecka said in a scared tone. Then the ghost said “I am your father, and I am coming back, but not to be with you. Since in your song you said you wanted me to kill your family, that is exactly what I am going to do.” After that, more ghost rose from the graves surrounding Airwrecka. They grew closer to her, reaching out to grab her. Right before she would have been caught, Airwrecka slipped through an opening where there was no ghosts and started to run through the graveyard.

Airwrecka had no idea where she was running, but she knew she couldn’t stop or else the ghosts would grab her. She wasn’t sure if the ghosts were behind her, but she thought they were. After almost an hour of running, Airwrecka legs started to get numb and she decided to stop. She then realized that the ghosts must have stopped too, because there was no one behind her. She thought they may have stopped trying to get her, and she decided to go back home before her mother got worried. Once home, Airwrecka called for her mother about 15 times, and there was no reply. Then, the sink turned on. Airwrecka was glad that her mother was fine and maybe she just couldn’t hear her. She went into the kitchen to see her mother and there she was, cleaning the dishes. Airwrecka ran up and gave her mother a hug. As her mother slowly turned around, Airwrecka realized that that was not her mother. This was yet another ghostly figure, but with the face of her mother. The ghost came up close to her face and said “Your father was here. He took my life with him. Go find him and get it back before the clock strikes 12:00 pm or else you will lose all of us.” “Us? Who else is there?” Airwrecka said, but the ghost was already gone. Airwrecka knew that there was nothing else to do but save her mother, so she ran into the main square of Fossil County.

Once in the main square of the county, Airwrecka noticed that it was more quiet than usual. She had no idea where everyone was, but that was not the point. The point was that Airwrecka hd to find her father, or else her mother would be gone forever. She searched and searched all through the main square until there was no where else to look for their father. She sat down on a nearby bench and thought: “Where would my father go if he was hiding something? Where did he hide things when I was younger?” Then, it came to her. Airwrecka remembered that when she was about 8 years old, her father used to play hide-and-seek with her, and he would always hide underneath the hay in the barn. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her to get to the barn before time ran out. Once Airwrecka got to the barn she went over to the hay where her father used to hide and lifted it up only to see…
To Be Continued