Super Bowl Commercial Review

Some people watch the Super Bowl for the football. Others just watch it for the commercials. This article is about the better of the two… the commercials. The commercials have become such an important part of the Super Bowl, and have become better than the sport. One of the best commercials has to have been the STAR WARS one last year. The best one this year was either the Mountain Dew one, the Doritos one, or the Prius commercial. Mountain Dew and Doritos are MLG and the leader of the Illuminati is writing this, so no one better comment that they are bad commercials. Super Bowl commercials range from funny to sweet to just amazing. The puppy monkey baby commercial was one of the amazing ones. The Doritos was funny, and the Prius one was ok. The better car commercial was the one for the Hyundai with car finder. Another popular Super Bowl commercial is the Heinz one. Of course Snickers had one, but is was alright. If you think we missed any big or funny commercials then put them in the comments below. Thanks for reading, and…
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