Boys Varsity Basketball Final Four

Just recently, our varsity boys basketball team had competed in the playoff games to hopefully continue onto the final championship game. These boys have worked hard all season and were able to have the privilege to compete in the final four. Not only was this an accomplishment for the team itself, but the school as well. This was the farthest that any varsity boy’s team had gone in basketball according to the school record! The boys won all of their games until the semifinal game against St. Anne Mission where they faced a harsh loss. I had the chance to talk to Lorenzo Madrigal, Ethan Gray, Anthony Stone, and Keegan Engstrom, members of the team, and they said that even though they had lost their game, they put up a good fight and did well. Since the team did not win the game against St. Anne Mission, they played against Holy Angels for third place and won! Congratulations to our varsity boys basketball team, Go Falcons!