Winston the Martian Cat

With Buddy on the loose, crime has started to rise in the city, but Winston has bigger problems. Back on Earth, an underground volcano erupted near a prison island, releasing many of its 647 captives. The town of Turkeyville, California cannot contain the chaos, and the prisoners have set up a barricade impenetrable by police officers. The police chief called Winston asking for backup, and Winston accepted his offer to go to Earth, fight this last crime wave, then retire to an oceanside home. After arriving in Turkeyville, Winston gets to work conceiving a plan to push through the barricades. After the wall is smashed by Winston’s superior strength and kibble jiu jitsu, all of the Police German Shepherds will pounce on the bad guys, and bring them to jail. Back on Mars, Pearl walker is a tiny but fierce maltese-chihuahua mix. Although weighing only 2.5 pounds, Winston has left and she has been tasked with leading the German Shepherds to take down Buddy’s gang. After performing inspection, Pearl and her team hop into the police vans to go find Buddy. Their criminal tracker goes off near an abandoned warehouse on Apollo Street. The team prepares to invade, but then the warehouse door bursts open, and ten criminals walk out! On Earth, Winston is attempting to smash down the wall, but just plain pushing will not work. After whipping out his jiu jitsu to knock it down, the german shepherds charge in and capture many of the criminals. However, Winston sees about 20 bad guys escaping out the back entrance of the fort, and getting away.`and runs to chase after them. After tackling the leader, Winston is swarmed with the other criminals, before taking them down, and putting them into a jail bus. On Mars, a fight has broken out between the Dog officers, and some members of the maltese gang. Pearl’s officers are winning, but Buddy has not come out of the building yet. In a split second, Buddy jumps out of the building and sends three officers flying with a kick. However, Pearl takes him down with a jumping tackle and handcuffs Buddy. Sadly, a few of the gang members get away, but the Pearl’s team has captured Buddy Simmons ad many of his cronies. After finishing the fight against the escapees, Winston is on a flight to retire to a mansion in Florida. After arriving, Winston gets out his Wii U, and starts to play, never to get up from the couch again!

Mark Valenzuela is in Sra Cross's seventh grade class. Mark loves running, football, and playing baseball. He loves to read, and his favorite subject is...
Hannah Sherman is 13 years old and is an 8th grader in Mr. W's 8A class. Hannah enjoys writing for Falcons Flyer and enjoys going to school. In her free...