THE ADVENTURE OF Felix Adams: King Tut and the Unicorn- Part 3

I quickly slapped my watch and grabbed the unicorn. I landed back in my basement. Oh wait, I didn’t use my anti-memory spray! I went back, sprayed them with a green mist called anti-memory spray and put Franswé with my collection of work stuff. I’ve got a bagpipes, a piece of wood from the mayflower and my personal favorite, Queen Elizabeth’s lipstick. I filled out the work form full of yes or no questions that I do after every mission.

It went something like this, Did you break any precious items? No. Did you damage or change important things like religion? No. Did you change any monuments? Maybe. I don’t know if the guy actually painted the pyramids pink! I went back just incase and he did paint them pink. So I went back to the form, Did you change any monuments? Maybe Yes. That’ll probably come out of my imaginary paycheck. Well, I gotta get some rest. I’m teaching 5th graders about the American Revolution tomorrow.  Oooohhh! I got home just in time for my favorite show, Octagon of Fortune! Hey, I know it’s a copy of Wheel of Fortune, but I don’t have cable.