11 Year Old Kid Gets to Mow the White House Lawn

After 11 year old Frank Giaccio reached out to President Donald Trump in a letter offering to mow the lawn of the White House. President Trump excepted his offer to mow the lawn and on September 15th, 2017. When Frank was mowing the lawn he was unexpectedly greeted by President Donald Trump. This is not Frank’s first business experience, Frank has 2 costumers that he regularly does garden work for. Frank and his dad also got to sit beside President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Frank Giaccio has followed and supported President Donald Trump’s campaign for president. After Frank finished mowing the lawn he said, “So far it’s pretty much the best day of my life.”
For further information go to- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/09/15/11-year-old-frank-does-great-job-mowing-white-house-lawn.html