Horton Hears a Who
“A person’s a person no matter how small” -(Horton in Horton Hears a Who). Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss is about an elephant named Horton who discovers a small speck that contains a whole world of microscopic people called “Whos” and Horton tries to save them from the big world. Horton places the small speck on a pink clover and carries the clover everywhere he goes to protect the speck. Horton also has to deal with many people who thinks that he is crazy. The kangaroo of the land especially thinks that Horton is crazy and that what he is saying is a bad influence on the children. The kangaroo asked different animals like monkeys and birds to get the clover and destroy it. One day an eagle took the clover and released the clover into a great patch of clovers one hundred miles wide. After a long time Horton finally found the clover and the kangaroo appeared again. This time Horton asked every Who in the little speck on the clover to scream as loud as they can to show the kangaroo and her gang that Horton is not crazy. But the kangaroo, the kangaroo’s gang, and Horton could not hear the Whos. So Horton asked the Whos to make sure that everyone in their tiny world is making noise. Then after a bit everyone heard the Whos making noise and the kangaroo agreed to help Horton protect the Whos on the clover.

Isabella Paine has been contributing to falcon's flyer for two years now and is excited to continue writing for falcon's flyer in her 8th grade year. Isabella...