Shadows Into Light Finale

Chapter Fourteen – The Final Showdown


The dark eyes met blue. The gaze seemed to last an eternity, yet it was only a few seconds. Rivals stared each other down. Time to decide history. “All of you, get somewhere safe!” Lux yelled. The others reluctantly obeyed, heading back in town. “Just you and me. Let’s settle this!” Lux lunged forward at his opponent to knock him to the ground. However, his attack missed, as Nox was no longer there. Instead of searching, Lux waited for the reveal. Just in time, he countered as he came out of the shadows. As soon as the strike failed, Nox returned to his element. For some reason, no attack followed… A sense of dread filled the light hero as a whisper passed, “To the city we go…”


Watching the trailing shadow on the floor, Lux gave chase. He could comfortably fight when just his life was on the line, but when it came to others, things got risky. The journey was frighteningly short. The large skyscrapers soon came within sight. The shadow stopped once the town square was reached. The square was large, with a fountain sprouting up in the center. Nox reformed and jumped to the top of the monument. The clouds began to darken around the city, skies turning from blue to dark grey. A dark aura surrounded Nox. Closing his eyes, he spread his arms wide. As they rose, dark bolts of lightning struck down in various parts of the city. Screams filled the air as the destruction ensued. A wide smirk grew on his face. “Wonderful…” he whispered quietly to himself. “Lux. I will destroy this city unless,” Nox paused for effect, “You submit to defeat, and meet your demise.” The hero took a deep breath. The option he would choose was obvious. Enough lives had been lost already. However, there was still one way to end this. Iridessa. I’m putting you in control. He felt her recoil in surprise. What?! Why? Lux was already expecting this and decided to state the facts. We are at our strongest when I am boosting you, not the other way around. Only you can end this. Iridessa sighed as she gained power once more. No pressure. She looked up at the glaring figure of her nemesis. She stood up and approached the bottom of the fountain. “Alright. You win.” she sighed. A dark chuckle filled the air as Nox jumped down from his post, practically glowing in success. He sauntered merrily to his defeated opponent. Leaning in close, he whispered, “Any final wishes?” With one deft movement, Iridessa sent a punch charged with powerful light energy straight into the chest of her “conqueror”. “Yeah, I do. Let Umbra control her own life.” she spat.


It was done. Spirit returning to command, Umbra took in heavy breaths, finally free of his reign. Shakily, she got to her feet, hardly able to believe her freedom. The two locked gazes, sharing the success of the moment. “Thank you.” she whispered. “Of course.” the hero replied. “Umbra!” called a voice. Turning her head, she smiled as Rebel approached. The others were with her, and the heroes set about congratulating Iridessa as the villains snuck away, preparing for their next plan. Umbra ran to her friend and embraced her, never so happy in her life. “What are you going to do now?” Iridessa asked her ex enemy. Taking a deep breath, she replied, “I understand the things I’ve done are unforgivable, but I can try my best to reconcile.” With a sly smirk, Umbra glanced to her partner and said, “Ready to be a good guy?” “Might as well give it a shot!” Rebel responded.

The End