Not Your Average Knights Chapter Two

Chapter Two ~ A Challenger Approaches…


“Wow!” Jack looked around him. Hazel had taken him into the weapons room, and he was left in awe at the wide varieties to choose from. “What’s it gonna be? Are you a melee fighter or long range? Are you one for stealth attacks? Sniping from a distance? Up close and personal? Take your pick!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the weapons that lined the walls. His gaze came to rest on a sword. He walked over and picked it up, feeling its weight. Just right. “Going for the classic approach, huh? Okay. Granted, you’ll have to learn how to use all of them…” the trainer commented. “So you’re training me with a sword, right?” he asked, passing the sword hand to hand. “Correct. Wen will train you with a bow and arrow, Panda with a crossbow, stealth attacks with Emily, throwing knives with Rowena…” she responded, counting on her fingers. Jack groaned. “So many…” “You wanted to be a knight! And relax, those are optional.” Crossing her arms, she muttered, “Although I’m tempted to make them mandatory…” “No!” he replied, almost too quickly. Flushing bright red, the trainee apologized. “Sorry. I’ll do whatever it takes.” Before Hazel could say anything, Wen appeared in the hallway with a worried expression, armed with her bow and arrow. “You two, hurry and follow me!” she gasped. “What happened?” the girl questioned, hand flying to the sword holstered at her hip. “Someone’s attacking, and it’s taking all of the knights to hold them off.” What she said filled the knight with dread. “And I can’t help but think we have a new powerful villain to worry about.”


They were off at once, flying down the hallway at a breakneck pace. “What’s – so – important – about -Wen’s – statement?” Jack asked between breaths, panting heavily. “Her intuition is known throughout our group. Her gut feeling has, in our experience, never been wrong, so we tend to trust her.” Hazel declared, not fazed by the running. They burst out the main castle doors into the courtyard, where a battle was underway. Crossbow bolts and arrows zipped through the air, enroute to a lethal bullseye while the harsh tones of metal clashing against metal filled the air. Jack stared in awe. “Looks like training will be cut short.” Hazel snarled, pulling her sword from its sheath. Wen pulled an arrow from her quiver and set it in place. The apprentice nervously raised his own weapon, hands trembling. “Time for your first battle!” yelled the archer encouragingly, running to find a vantage point.


Jack broke into a run, racing to get in battle- before crashing right into Hazel outstretched arm. “You’re not going anywhere, much less the battlefield.” she stated coldly. “But-” “Do you have a death wish? You don’t know how to fight, and that intruder is holding off EVERYONE. You’ll most likely not even make it close enough to use that sword before getting hit by one of the many flying projectiles.” she methodically explained, walking away into battle. Grumbling slightly, the trainee leaned against a wall, ready to “observe”. The reason the enemy was so hard to hit was the powerful black armor they wore, only splash of color was the red dragon emblem on their right shoulder. As Hazel approached, the strange being laughed and said, “Good. I wanted all of you knights to hear what I have to say, especially you, I am the Black KNight-” “That’s not a very creative name.” Emily commented judgmentally. “Did I ask? No.” said knight snapped. “Anyways, I came here to warn you.” Hazel frowned in confusion and asked, “About…?” “If you guys actually let me finish-” “Everyone be quiet, she’s gonna talk!” Rowena shouted randomly, aggravating the Black Knight even more. “Ugh! I’ll just leave you a note. Farewell!” And just like that, the knight had disappeared, leaving a small envelope lying on the ground. Before the others could crowd to grab it, Hazel snatched it from its resting place. She used the tip of her sword to open it up and began to read it aloud:

“Attention all knights of Whitmore Castle. I decided I wanted to test my abilities, so I decided to warn you. By the end of the month I WILL attack your king, unless you come and stop me yourselves! I live in Dragonspire Keep, so you better start soon. If you think you can just wait at your home for me to come, you’ll be terribly sorry. I will overpower and execute you all, and then your king.


See you soon,


“Who does she think she is?” Wen exclaimed after she finished. “She?” Bree questioned. “Part of the hunch.” she responded. “I’m going.” Hazel stated, causing a gasp of surprise. “It’s obviously a trap!” Panda objected. “What if she’s telling the truth? If we stay here, the king’s death is on our hands. You can stay, but I’m going.” the knight replied quietly. Slowly, the rest nodded. “We’re coming with you. It took all of us just to hold her off, we might as well help!” Robyn said with a smile. “Maybe I can learn a thing or two…” Jack suggested, mentally crossing his fingers. “Sure. Why not? I’m going to notify the king.” his trainer agreed. Everyone rushed off to get ready and to inform the rest of the household, leaving Hazel alone. Before she entered the castle, she folded up the piece of paper and shoved it in her pocket.