6th Grade Water Project
For the past 2 ½ weeks, 6A and 6B have been working on an in class project known as the water project, which is a project on choosing dams and how to save water. They were split into 5 groups with their own professions. The groups were dam builders, environmentalists, farmers, townspeople, and politicians. They were all given packets that gave them information that will help their decision making during the project. This project required them to present what they learned to a city council consisting of Mrs. Ramirez, Mrs. Paulsen (the person who helped the 6th grade with the water project), and other staff here at St. Philip. The 6th grade also had to present to their classmates. 6B presented on Monday and 6A presented on Tuesday to the city council. They had 8-10 minutes to state why their decision would be the best for the town known as St. Phillipsville. Both 6A and 6B did a great job working and presenting the water project to the city council.

Claire Altovar is in 8th grade in Ms. O'Toole's homeroom. Her favorite subject is social studies. She has a sister who is a senior in high school. She...