Interview with Ms. Gripp
Earlier last week we interviewed Mrs. Gripp to see what was going on in the lower grades science classes. We decided it would be best to ask her about the new garden since there have been rumors that there will be many new additions to the garden. Down below are our questions and her answers that we invite you to read:
What are all the grades currently learning and working on in science class?
“First grade will be learning about worms and snails this year and second grade will be learning about insects such as beetles, wax worms, and crickets. Third grade will be learning about animal environments while fourth grade will be learning about erosion. In fifth grade, the students will be learning about digestion with me.”
What is going into the garden this year? Are there any changes from past years?
“Along with the veggie garden, we will have a California Native/Drought Tolerant garden. Those flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies. We will be recycling this year by planting in old or used objects such as tires and old wagons. We will add an herb garden this year as well, along with a cactus garden. I want it to also be known as an outdoor classroom, and wish to put a whiteboard outside.”
What do you hope to get out of the garden and teach the children with it?
“I want the children to be aware of how food is grown and where it comes from. I want them to know what drought tolerant plants really are (they are not just cactuses). It’s good because the children get curious and want to know more about plants.”
How is the garden being maintained?
“The garden is being maintained by a group of fifth graders for now. In time, all of the grades will be in charge of some type of watering, planting, or harvesting. Everyone will be included in making our garden grow!”
What are your hopes for this year?
“My hope for this year is turning the garden into an outdoor classroom.”
“The butterflies that are let go will stay in the garden and will continue to stay over in the music room area.”
We hope you enjoyed our interview with Mrs. Gripp and have learned more about what is going on in science this year. Please check out the garden when you have a chance!

Claudia d'Auria is an 8th grader at Saint Philips. She dances ballet outside of school and loves animals. She is active within the school community,...

Paloma Torres is currently in the 8th grade. She takes part in sports such as track and field, volleyball, and basketball in the school. Paloma also...