First and Third Grade Field Trips

A few weeks ago, both first and third grade went on field trips. First grade took a trip to Underwood farms, and third went to the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary. At Underwood farms, the first graders picked vegetables, fed the animals, and played around. Some of the veggies that the first graders picked were radishes and beets, and they were even allowed to take some home to use in salads. Most first graders favorite part of the trip was feeding the animals. The farm had cows, sheep, chickens, and roosters that the students were allowed to feed. First grade had a very fun time at Underwood farms, and learned a lot about vegetables and the farm animals.
At the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, third graders learned mostly about nature. They went bird watching, hiked, and even got to pet some animals. One animal was a snake, which the third graders learned can pretend to be a rattlesnake so it does not get eaten. While in the classroom, students learned about plants and animals. They learned how animals get food, both carnivores and herbivores. The plants they learned about were very interesting, and one plant even drops its seeds when it gets hot, then bursts into flames and dies. The Third Graders had fun on their field trip, but as third grader John Valenzuela said, “Bird watching was the most fun part of the entire adventure.”

Mark Valenzuela is in Sra Cross's seventh grade class. Mark loves running, football, and playing baseball. He loves to read, and his favorite subject is...