Winston The Martian Cat

The Hobbit needed a break. After his 5 year training with Roberto the Dinosaur ended, The Hobbit meditated in a cave for 64 years, asking himself, “What is good, and what is evil?”. He finally had the answer, and came out of his cave, to catch criminals, and make the world a better place. In those 6 years, Hobbit caught 8,439 criminals, breaking the previous record set by Roberto the Dinosaur, 75 year before. But now, all the Hobbit wanted was a vacation, and he had heard great things about the dusty, red craters of Mars. The spaceship flight took two months, and by that time all the Hobbit wanted to do was relax. Once he arrived on Mars, he saw the most beautiful sight ever, red nothingness. Not soon after he began to relax, there was a grand jail break, and the ten MCA agents chasing after them were no match for the evil stampede. The Hobbit knew he had to help, but his back was killing him, and he could not find the aspirin. So, he walked into the nearest house to find a giant, fat, orange cat lying on the couch watching MARSFLIX. He realized that the cat’s enormous size was the only thing that could save his insurance rates, and finally convinced him to fight the criminals. Just two hours later, all the prisoners were back in jail and the Hobbit realized he had a true crime fighter, his name was Winston!

Mark Valenzuela is in Sra Cross's seventh grade class. Mark loves running, football, and playing baseball. He loves to read, and his favorite subject is...
Hannah Sherman is 13 years old and is an 8th grader in Mr. W's 8A class. Hannah enjoys writing for Falcons Flyer and enjoys going to school. In her free...