THE ADVENTURE OF Felix Adams: King Tut and the Unicorn

My name is Felix Adams and I’m a Time Agent. I fix things that some guy Relativity messes up when he has a tantrum because he doesn’t get to be King of Medieval England or a knight in 20th Century France. I am 23 and am a History Teacher at Brainiac Elementary School. I was sleeping when my watch buzzed me up. Space, Time and Continuum needed my help again.

My job was to go back in time and fix things that Lord Relativity messed up on his angry rampages. My job as a History teacher was just so I can pay the rent in ‘luxurious’ condo. I got dressed and ran down to the basement where I turned on the TV and Space, Time and Continuum were right there. These guys are the coolest people and the most annoying. They’re my bosses.

“Lord Space, Lady Time, Mr. Continuum, what will you have me do today?” I asked trying to be as polite as possible. If this is what I think it is, my job as a History teacher must have a bad reputation because I already missed 3 days of school this month, this better be worth it.

“We need you to go to Ancient Egypt. Relativity has pretty much destroyed any chance the Egyptians have of understanding their own religion. Set your watch and go.”, said Time as she buzzed out of the screen. I got the paper out of the printer. Relativity was flying through Egypt and dropped a Unicorn from the country of Scotland. “Oh boy.”, I grumbled as I slapped my watch and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and I was in Egypt. I looked in a puddle of water and saw I was King Tut

“Time to start.” I said. I went over my plan. Hopefully, I can get the unicorn and at midnight (the only time the watch works in another time system) take it back to my time. A man entered and asked, “Sir, would like to go with the plan we came up with yesterday?”. “Uhh, yes.” I said unsure of myself. “Ok, I will have the pyramids painted pink.” he said as he left. I face-palmed myself. I messed up Egypt. “I take it back man! LEAVE THE PYRAMIDS ALONE!” I yelled as he walked away and stared back at me like I was crazy.