Teacher of the Month: Miss Leah

Our teacher for this month, October is Miss. Leah. Miss. Leah has been working here for two years in 2nd grade. Her first job was working at Camp Falcon for two years. Camp Falcon is an amazing camp at St. Philip in the Summer. Before working in the school year, she worked at Disney World in Florida. She loves film and Disney Characters. Miss. Leah is not alone in her family she has a sister named Emma she recently graduated 3 years ago. Now Emma goes to Mayfield. Miss. Leah is currently working on her master’s degree in film studies and hopes to help in the movies one day. She plans to work at St. Philip until she gets her degree. Read next month’s article to see the next teacher!

Noelle Chua has been a student at St. Philip the Apostle School for 9 years and is currently a member in Student Council. She likes writing about sports,...