Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios
Halloween Horror Nights is happening now at Universal Studios and it seems very big and amazing. The mazes that will be coming out are from famous movies and television shows such as Stranger Things, Trick ‘r Treat, The First Purge, Poltergeist, Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers, Universal Monsters, and the Terror Tram. My friends and I recently went and my favorites in order were first, Trick ‘r Treat, Terror Tram, Universal Monsters, The First Purge, Poltergeist, Stranger Things, then Halloween 4:The Return of Mike Myers. Trick ‘r Treat was my favorite because it was scary and not too graphic. The theme was a little silly, but Universal Studios made it really fun. The theme was on midnight at Halloween, there’s a demon in the form of a pumpkin that comes out and I think you get the next part. The demon is also accompanied by werewolves and rabbits in the form of a stuffed animal. Then I like the Terror Tram because they turned the Tram into a horror experience. The story is that there’s a clown that worked for Universal Studios way back when it first opened. Then the clown returned and you have to go through his “revenge” with bulldogs that run at you with chainsaws, scarecrows that attack you on the Bates Motel site, a clown part that takes place on the plane crash from the movie “War of the Worlds”, and the nightmare factory. On the clown part, my friends and I saw the Joker standing on a bank, we think that’s an easter egg to something in the future. This was a little more graphic and scary so I would recommend this for 5th grade and up. Then I liked Universal monsters where they turned classic horror movies such as “Frankenstein”, “The Wolf Man”, “The Mummy”, and the “Dracula” movies into something more scary and for tweens and teens. Next, The First Purge was definitely the scariest. The maze was longer than the other ones and there was a jump scare every room. This is definitely for middle schoolers and up. Then I liked Poltergeist next. This was more kid-friendly based off the movie that came out in 1982. There were the demons and all the classic parts like the girl staring at the TV. But, I expected a little more from this one. They left out the clown part which I was really looking forward to. But, it was still pretty fun. Next is Stranger Things, I expected a lot more. The setting was cool but the only scares they had were just the normal demogorgons, they didn’t have the big one at the end of season 2 or the ones that were like dogs. I expected way more since this was the main attraction. But I did like the forest, school, and science lab setting. Halloween 4: The Return of Mike Myers was a let down. We waited almost 2 hours in line just to get Mike Myers appearing at different places scare you. A lot of the stuff didn’t even really go with the movie. I was walking next to my friend and we missed almost all the jump scares and the maze was loud because they had so much lightning sounds. The setting didn’t exactly match as well. They did have the police officer and the house but those were the only locations. The rest of it took places in dark rooms with strobe lights. This could’ve been a lot better if they did the first Halloween movie with better scares and a better setting. There was one last thing that wasn’t a maze that was really fun, the scare zones. There was one with Dia de Los Muertos skeletons that scared you after you got off of Universal Monsters, there was one where clowns and skeletons had machetes and chainsaws near the entrance to get on Halloween 4, and there was one to get on The First Purge and Poltergeist called Hollidayz in Hell. In Hollidayz in Hell they got all of the holidays through the year and made them scary in a fun way. That’s all the main attractions that I went on but there’s a Blumhouse movie production tour that you can take. You look at there newest movies Truth or Dare and Unfriended. But that’s all.

Will Crowley is in seventh grade. He plays sports such as swimming, football, and basketball. He enjoys writing about sports, video games, and movies. ...
Alejandro Leyva • Dec 14, 2018 at 11:17 am
I went and it was a fun experience.