Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a cute children’s book, which is a little different from the movie. The story begins with a family making breakfast, when a pancake is accidentally thrown into the air and lands on one of the kids. Their grandpa later tells them a story about a land called Chewandswallow. It was normal enough, with normal people and normal cats and dogs. But there were no food stores, because the food would always fall from the sky, three meals a day. Everything from hamburger hails and soda rains would befall the place, and everyone was happy. That is, until things got worse. Soon, the food grew in size and came in awful hurricanes. Citizens rarely left their houses in fear of the terrible storms. Finally, using stale bread fashioned into sailboats, they all left to find a new home, where it didn’t rain food and grocery stores exist. This was the conclusion of the grandpa’s bedtime story, and when the kids go sledding the next day, they could almost swear the rising sun looks like a dab of butter on top of the snow’s mashed potatoes.

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