Severe Drought in California
As you may have seen on the news lately California is in a severe drought and us as residents of California need to help fight this drought. California has been the warmest it has ever been in the last five years. Scientists state that we could be running out of water by the next year, which led the Governor of California to make a drastic statement. The Governor of California, Jerry Brown, said that there must be a 25% reduction of our water usage meaning we have to limit the water we use. This massive drought has been caused by little rain and snow. As you can see in the photo above this drought started 3 years ago but has gotten worse over the years. Currently this drought may affect the way we live and think because in the next few years California may be making drastic decisions on water.
In many families water is wasted on bathing, washing the dishes, and watering our lawns. When bathing, people waste more water than they need too because they should only be in there for a short amount of time. While washing the dishes people may think that they need to have the water running the whole time but they don’t. A way you can stop wasting water first is to put the soap on the dishes with no running water, second rinse the dishes with little water. The last place that wastes a lot of water is on the lawn because even though you want your lawn to look nice it is your choice in deciding if you want a nice lawn or if you want water to survive. California is in a severe drought and we can fight it by reducing our water usage.

Marcos is an eighth grader and is thirteen years old. His favorite food is pizza and In-n-Out burgers. Marcos' favorite dessert is brownies, cookies, cupcakes,...