Does Music Help Show Emotion?

Does Music Help Show Emotion?

Have you ever heard those rock bands yelling their lungs out? Me too, and it usually gets me pumped up listening to rock.

Studies have shown that music can affect areas of your brain associated with emotions, such as the Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala. The Prefrontal Cortex is a part of the brain that focuses on personality and behavior, and the Amygdala is the part of the brain that focuses on emotions and memory.  There also have been theories that emotions are caused by music from memory, and relating to what the singer is singing about.

“Listening to music can create peak emotions, which increase the amount of dopamine, a specific neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.” ( Not only that, but there is technology that makes music trigger certain parts of your brain that can change your mood.

Now that you know that music can show emotion, use that as an advantage. If you’re feeling down, listen to some music that makes you upbeat, and if you need to concentrate or study for a test listen to classical music or any music that’s soothing. So, listening to music can either help or defeat your mood, watch out!


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Have you ever heard those rock bands yelling their lungs out? Me too, and it usually gets me pumped up listening to rock.

Studies have shown that music can affect areas of your brain associated with emotions, such as the Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala. The Prefrontal Cortex is a part of the brain that focuses on personality and behavior, and the Amygdala is the part of the brain that focuses on emotions and memory.  There also have been theories that emotions are caused by music from memory, and relating to what the singer is singing about.

“Listening to music can create peak emotions, which increase the amount of dopamine, a specific neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.” ( Not only that, but there is technology that makes music trigger certain parts of your brain that can change your mood.

Now that you know that music can show emotion, use that as an advantage. If you’re feeling down, listen to some music that makes you upbeat, and if you need to concentrate or study for a test listen to classical music or any music that’s soothing. So, listening to music can either help or defeat your mood, watch out!


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