Earl Gray: Humane Society Success Story

Earl Gray is a long haired gray cat that was adopted from the Pasadena Humane Society. He is very fun and loving. He plays in almost anything that he can find. Earl loves to sit on windowsills and soak up the sun, along with hiding in paper bags to sleep. Having a pet is a lot of fun, and they will always brighten up your day. He is very energetic and even plays with the small dog! All the pets at the Humane Society need good homes, and are hopefully lucky like Earl Gray was to find a happy and loving home. It is also harder to adopt an older cat, like Earl Gray was, so they are even more in need of homes. This success story shows that even older pets that are adopted at around age five like Earl was, can become a faithful companion who loves you just as much as a kitten will. Cats at the Pasadena Humane society are also very affordable. They usually cost about seventy dollars with spaying included. If someone in your family is allergic to pets or you’re not allowed to have a pet, you may always donate blankets or treats to the animals at the shelter.
For more information contact the Pasadena Humane Society at http://www.pasadenahumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=adopt_links