Pope Francis Visit to Mexico
On February 12, Pope Francis left Vatican City and arrived in Mexico where he was welcomed with singers, mariachi and dancers. The next day, Pope Francis attended a welcoming ceremony at Mexico’s National Palace. At the Palace, he met the president of the Republic. Throughout the first day of his visit, Pope Francis held two meetings with Mexico’s Bishops and with the Civil Authorities and Diplomatic Corps. To finish off his first day in Mexico, the Pope held a Holy Mass in the Basilica of Guadalupe.
On February 14, Pope Francis traveled to Ecatepec, Mexico where he held a Holy Mass in the center of the city. He then went to Mexico City, where he visited the Federico Gomez Pediatric Hospital, where he administered “kindness therapy”. After, he held a meeting with the World of Culture at the National Auditorium, where they discussed the value of their country’s culture and values.
To continue his trip, Pope Francis departed from Mexico City and landed in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, then leaving to San Cristóbal de Las Casas, where he gave a Holy Mass with the indigenous community of Chiapas at the Municipal Sports. He then had lunch with indigenous representatives and with the papal entourage. Towards the end of the day, Pope Francis returned back to Tuxtla Gutiérrez where he had a meeting with families in the Victor Manuel Reyna Stadium.
After arriving in Morelia, Mexico, Pope Francis held another Holy Mass with priests, religious, consecrated persons, and seminarians. While in Morelia, Pope Francis visited the Cathedral and met with young people in the José María Morelos y Pavón Stadium.
Pope Francis continued onto Juarez, Mexico, where he visited a prison, held a meeting with the World of Work at the Colegio de Bachilleres dello Stato of Chihuahua and had one last Holy Mass to end his trip on the fairgrounds. This was his last event before departing back to Vatican City on February 17.
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