How do you say: Mrs. Bello’s Name?
It’s one of the greatest mysteries in the history of St. Philip the Apostle School. Misunderstood by many, this question has puzzled students for years! The question: Is Mrs. Bello’s last name pronounced “bay-o” or “bell-oh?” Dun, dun, dun!! Our great 6th grade homeroom and Junior High religion teacher wonders too! A lot of places that have “bello” in them are pronounced bell-oh, such as Montebello or Portabello. So… why is Mrs. Bello’s name any different?
The name Bello is both Spanish and Italian and in both countries it is pronounced differently, so how should it be pronounced here? The history of the name Bello has two roots, Spanish and Italian. In Spain the name Bello means handsome and is a nickname for a handsome man and in some cases is used ironically for an ugly man. However, in Italy the name is only a surname, or a last name.
After having all of the research laid out, the evidence has been concluded that there is no correct or incorrect way to pronounce the surname Bello. The pronunciation of the surname really just depends on where in the world you are. So, in conclusion the students of St. Philip can continue to pronounce Mrs. Bello’s name the same way they’ve also done!

Vivian is a 8th grader this year attending Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has two cats, both of which are featured on Falcon's Flyer (Honey and Onion...