The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is a clever fictional novel. At the beginning of the story, the main character, Milo, is incredibly bored until he receives an imaginary tollbooth. He drives through in his electric car and arrives in a world of wonder. He gains many new companions, such as Tock the watchdog and the Humbug. He is given a mission by King Azaz, who rules over letters and words, to save the princesses Rhyme and Reason. The group of odd friends go on an epic quest, with even stranger obstacles. The Phantom Tollbooth is a fun book to read that will keep you turning pages.
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This is Madi's second year writing for the Falcon's Flyer. She enjoys writing stories, playing video games, and reading. She has many pets, including...