Roberto The Dinosaur-Part VI

The spiders dropped down from the ceiling and engulfed Roberto and Roberta. They were suffocating and suffocating, but they knew they had a chance. The Kirby Spider attack station was nearby, and he could save them. Roberto got his phone, and called Mr. Kirby’s number. While Roberto and Roberta were hiding, they could hear Scientist Megan France cackling like a kid on Christmas day. All of a sudden there was a flash of lighting and out of nowhere, Mr. Kirby zoomed into the cave and challenged Scientist France to a duel. As the two were intensely fighting, Ms. O‘ toole came in and told them that they were being thumbs down fighters, so they got detention. While in detention, they had another duel, until Mr. W came in. He yelled at them to go down to the office to see Mr. Y. Mr Y told them that they were being immoral Catholics and had to shape up in order to be good people at heart. They were forced to go to confession with Father Spaghetti, but they could not confess their sins until he gave them pasta. The priest gave them the pasta, and both Mr. Kirby and the evil scientist Megan France confessed all their sins. Father spaghetti told them not to do anything bad ever again, But scientist France already had a scheme up her sleeve to get even with Roberto the dinosaur!