My Favorite Holiday, Christmas

My Favorite Holiday, Christmas

This essay is about my favorite holiday, Christmas.  The reason why Christmas is my favorite holiday is because everybody gets wonderful presents.  Another reason why Christmas is my favorite holiday is because you get to see all the pretty and colorful decorations and lights.  My number one reason why Christmas is my favorite holiday is because my grandparents and aunt travel from far away to come to my house.  Those are the reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday.

The first reason why Christmas is my favor holiday is because I get presents.  My favorite presents are from santa.  Santa’s presents are my favorite because most of them are electronics.  Even though every present is not an electronic every present is still exciting. My favorite present from Santa last year was an X-Box 360 with Kinect.  Opening presents is a fun tradition at Christmas.

Another reason why Christmas is my favorite holiday is because of the pretty and colorful lights and decorations.  I like the decorations during Christmas time because they spread Christmas cheer.  My favorite Christmas decorations are the colorful and bright lights.  My sister and I like helping my dad put up the Christmas lights around the outside of our roof.  My favorite decoration is the Christmas tree because it smells good and it has pretty decorations and ornaments.  The tradition in our family is that we buy a Christmas tree and decorate it every year.  My favorite ornaments are the special ones that we buy whenever we travel out of state.

My most favorite part about Christmas is when my grandparents and aunt come to my house because I don’t get to see them often.  Another awesome part about seeing my grandparents is that they cook yummy treats and food.  My favorite treats are cookies and chez mix because they are very yummy.  I also like it when my grandparents take care of my sister and me during Christmas break because we get to spend more time with them.  Spending time with my grandparents makes Christmas more enjoyable.

In summary Christmas is my favorite holiday because I like everything about it.  Even though I could have chosen other reasons why I like Christmas I chose these three reasons because they make Christmas the most special for me.  Presents make Christmas more enjoyable because every single present makes me happy.  The decorations make Christmas more enjoyable because I like to look at the colorful lights.  When my grandparents come over they make Christmas more enjoyable because I get to spend a fun week with them.  These are the reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday.