Origin of Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up and I feel that many including myself don’t know the real meaning of Valentine’s Day, so I decided to learn more about it. Valentine’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday that is very joyous, happy and filled with love but the actual origin of it is a lot different than how it is celebrated today. February has always been a month of love and is also the feast day of St. Valentine whom supposedly sent the first Valentine note to his girlfriend while he was kept in a jail and later sent her a letter saying from your Valentine which is now where we get the idea of Valentine’s from. Another belief on how Valentine’s day was created was because of the Pagan celebration of Lupercalia in attempts to Christianize the holiday. This festival was not a very friendly and loving festival because there were sacrifices involved and many animals were not treated properly to celebrate this holiday. This holiday was no longer deemed a holiday because it was not Christian. There are many ways Valentines Day was to have said to come to be but these were just some of the interesting ways and now Valentine’s Day is very popular all around the world in countries such as Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia.

Sasha Kalpakoff is 12 years old and in 7th grade at st. Philip the apostle school. She lives in Pasadena, California with her parents and her cat named...