Water on Mars


Evidence of recent flowing water on Mars because the sand is eroded.

On September 28th, 2015 NASA scientists made an announcement stating that they had a breakthrough leading them to find out if there is life on Mars. NASA informed the people of the United States of America that they had discovered flowing water on the red planet.These scientists from NASA said that this discovery doesn’t mean that they definitely found real life on Mars but if they do discover life they will be able to know how they are surviving with no other resources. NASA researchers confirmed the flowing water by using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a satellite and a camera that NASA uses to study different planets in the solar system for new discoveries that they may be able to find. The photo above shows an image that slightly shows the water that NASA discovered on Mars. Lastly, these researchers have made an extraordinary discovery that might lead them to finding an even bigger discovery, which is finding real life on the famous red planet.