State of the Union Address


How do we give everybody opportunity and security in this country? How do we make technology work for us not against us? How to keep America safe and strong without isolation? How can we make politics reflect what is good for us not what is bad? These four questions were discussed by President Obama throughout his speech at the State of the Union Address. On January 12, 2016, President Obama spoke to Congress, the Supreme Court, Military Personnel and other citizens of the United States who were invited. This was President Barack Obama’s eighth and final State of the Union Address as President of the United States.

According to Barack Obama in the past year, there has been 14 million new jobs created but he still wants to create more in the coming year. President Obama began his speech by talking about bipartisanship, the future, change, overcoming fear, progress, technology, security and the economy. Throughout his speech, he stated all the things that were accomplished in the past and what was needed to be done this year. One topic that the President spoke strongly about was education. Based on the statements he proclaimed, President Obama wanted all kids to start in kindergarten at the beginning of their school career, offer technology to schools everywhere, recruit more teachers and make college affordable for all Americans.

The topics continued with social security, health care, poverty, income equality, innovation, discovery, cancer, climate change, energy and homeland security. President Obama wants to strengthen social security and medicare while also wanting to “Reignite” innovation. When talking about cancer, he felt strongly about it. He stated that he wants the U.S. to be the first country to cure cancer with Vice President Joe Biden to head “mission control” after his strong remarks on cancer treatment.

Lastly, his final remarks were about ISIS, Iran, the Trans-Pacific partnership, Cuba, leadership, Guantanamo Bay prison, equality, politics, democracy, cooperation, campaign finance, working together, activism and citizenship. When talking about ISIS, he called for Congress to authorize war on them, hoping that the problem against this terror group would end. In addition to ISIS, President Obama wants to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison because it is expensive and there is no use to have it anymore.

Throughout the speech, President Obama stated many good ideas on what he wants to achieve in his last term in office. Everything that was said was heard and judged by not only Congress but the American people who want to feel safe and protected during this time in the world. He believes in this country and wants to represent what being an American is all about.
For the Full Speech: