The Baby Chicks
Every year Ms. Gripp, the science teacher, buys 3 chicken eggs so St. Philip students can have experience seeing baby chicks hatch. Ms. Gripp has her own incubator which is a heater, so the baby chicks can grow in the eggs. Two chicks hatched on the predicted date of April 11, and the last chick hatched on April 12! Once the chicks grow up, a family from St. Philip will bring the 3 chicks home and take care of them until they are ready to have their own eggs. The chick’s names are: Harry Potter, Clearance, and Lemon Drop. Here are some opinions of the chicks from some students:
Lola from KB said that the best part of having chicks at the school was that they’re super cute and exciting! She likes the ‘yellow chick’ the best and likes to hold the chicks. “The chicken legs scratch a little, but it doesn’t hurt.”
Emma Cross from KB said that the best part of having chicks is that they sound cute and they’re fluffy. Emma likes to hold them.
Isabella from 4A said that they are so cute and she likes watching the chicks grow up. She likes how they look and she likes to hold them. She also told us that they eat hard boiled eggs!
Liam Bergeron from 5A says that it’s hilarious when they jump around on things. His class made a little pen with books surrounding the chicks.
Katerina GIttings from 4B says that she likes it when people take the chicks home over the weekends – that’s the best part of having chicks at the school.
Luke Roa from 4B said they’re really fluffy! Today 4B was trying to get them to drink water, and they kept running away!
Alejandro Leyva 3A said that he likes hearing them chirp.
Leo Majich from 3A said the new breed that we have this year (he hasn’t learned it yet) was really interesting.
JT Martin from 2B said he likes the fact that he can cuddle with them!
Rory from 4A says she likes having chicks at the school because Ms. Gripp brings them to science class.
Keep up the great interest in science and learning Falcons!

Vivian is a 8th grader this year attending Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has two cats, both of which are featured on Falcon's Flyer (Honey and Onion...

Danay Dunn is a 8th grader in Mr. Weyermuller's 8A class. She has a younger sister, Neci, in the fourth grade. Her favorite subject is Science. Danay...
Mark Valenzuela • May 2, 2016 at 11:13 am
His name is Clarence, not CLEARance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!