Once Upon a Time: Season Three Finale Shakes Things Up!



A few weeks ago, the Once Upon a Time season finale aired.  As always with the show, it was filled with shockers and moments that left you wondering. It started with Mary Margaret and David stating that they would announce their new baby’s name at a “naming ceremony”, which will be held at Granny’s. Emma then reveals that she plans on moving back to New York with Henry, to everyone’s surprise. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that Zelina’s time portal had opened!


Rumplestiltskin hides the fact that he still has his real dagger, continuing his lie to Belle. He is also able to manipulate the security footage of him killing Zelina so it appears as if she destroyed herself. Emma immediately goes to investigate, with Hook tagging along. He tries to convince her that Storybrooke is her home, while she just shrugs him off. Once they reach the portal, they end up accidentally getting sucked in. GREAT…


They are thrown into the past, where the Evil Queen reigns and Snow White is a criminal. Prince Charming rides in a carriage towards a fallen tree with his fiancee, Princess Abigail. Snow White hides in a tree, preparing for her ambush. Emma recognizes the scene as when her parents meet. Accidentally, she breaks a branch, which startles Snow and forces her to retreat. Both Hook and Emma realize they just stopped the meeting, which would drastically change the future.


They decide to seek out Rumplestiltskin, knowing only he could help them now. They explain how they are from the future, and that they messed up the timeline. In order to return things to the way they were, Snow needs to steal Prince Charming’s wedding ring. Emma and Hook learn that Snow White is trying to seek passage on Blackbeard’s ship. Hook decides to sneak onto his old ship and make a deal with Snow himself. In order to do this, Emma “distracts” the Past Hook. While there are some complications along the way, a deal is successfully made for Snow to steal the ring.


They meet up with Rumple once more and he gives them an invitation to a ball at King Midas’s castle. He dresses them in proper party attire and casts a spell to change their faces to everyone else. While they dance to blend in, Snow successfully gets a hold of the ring. Prince Charming catches her in the act however, and in her escape, she loses the ring. Emma retrieves it and in her attempt to return it to Snow, she is captured by the Evil Queen.


Emma is thrown into jail, where she meets another woman who got on Regina’s bad side. The other woman refuse to say her name, as that is the only thing keeping her family safe. Emma then picks the lock on her cage. She then realizes that the woman is supposed to die and that saving her could have some repercussions, but in the end, Emma’s instincts get the best of her and she frees the prisoner.


Prince Charming captures Snow White, only to learn from Hook that the ring is in the Queen’s castle. Charming basically admits that he’s not marrying his true love to Hook, but their chat is interrupted by Red, whom Snow called to help them get into the castle. They enter the castle, where they find Emma and the woman. Snow is nowhere to be found. That is because she is in the Evil Queen’s chamber, where she plans on using her dark fairy dust to turn the Queen into a bug. Her plan failed however, and she is captured. The others can only watch as she is burned at the stake.


While distressed, Emma comes to a realization. If Snow White died, shouldn’t she, her daughter, have faded from existence? She rejoices as they come to the conclusion that the bug that keeps pestering Hook is none other than Snow herself! The Blue Fairy arrives and changes her back into human form. Snow begins to warm up to Charming, which is good. The only bad thing is that there may be consequences from saving the woman. Emma and Hook decide that the only way to prevent that would be to bring her to the future with them. Their story is now back on track, and they return to Rumple’s castle for their way home.


They then learn that Rumplestiltskin cannot create the portal. He has concocted a forgetting potion, due to him knowing too much of his own future. He sends Emma, Hook, and the mystery lady into his vault, where there is no escape. Emma then, through a conversation with Hook, realizes that Storybrooke is her real home. Emma’s magic then returns, and they return to the present, where things are unchanged.


They return to the party at Granny’s, where David and Mary Margaret announce that their child will be named after a hero. He is to be called Prince Neal. Emma and Hook share a kiss. In the forest, Rumple and Belle share their wedding vows. Regina and Robin Hood kiss once before entering the diner. The prisoner is frightened by the sight of Regina, but is reassured by Emma that she is good now. As Emma begins to introduce her, Robin quickly rushes to his long lost wife, Marian. Regina merely watches at the happy reunion. Blaming Emma for the destruction of her relationship with Robin, she warns Emma that she better hope that nothing else came back with her.
As the episode concludes, you could see a vase and a liquid pouring out of it, which formed into my favorite ice queen Elsa. However this Vase was from Rumplestiltskin’s vault of dark and mysterious items, which were supposed to be locked away for eternity. However this vase accidently got caught in the portal when Emma and Hook returned to Storybrooke. Due to the fact that it was in the Dark One’s vault of dark things, which are too dark even for him, we believe that contrary to the plot of Frozen, Elsa will be evil in the fourth season. As usual Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the writers of Once Upon A Time, have decided to torture us watchers for six months and leave us thinking constantly, “What role does Elsa play?” as we wait for season four. Until then we are left with a huge cliffhanger.