The Start to the Finish

The Start to the Finish

There are many mixed emotions that I had heard from the 7th graders about going into the final grade. Some people are excited for 8th grade and all the importance for being the highest grade or the dances and the parties and graduating. Others like me, don’t want their journey to end at St. Philip and feeling like it went by to fast. Oh, and then there’s the classic people who just want summer to start already.moving-on-up-2

But honestly, I’m stumped.
It seems exciting to go in 8th grade with all the programs we have like May Crowning or the Spring Concert. There’s also the sweatshirt designs, being some of the last remnants of our class. But 8th grade also seems kind of intimidating. As 7th graders we need to really start thinking about what high school we want to apply to so by the time we hit 8th grade we could start prepping for the high school we want to got to with HSPT’s and keeping up good grades. That really kind of puts stress on me because I haven’t really started to think of what high school I want to go to and it seems like time is ticking. And don’t we all want summer to start? Just a few more days into the end of the year and then its no homework, no curfew, and “Hello Summer”.

So to put it all together I’m excited for 8th grade, unsure of what will happen, and counting the days to our final goodbyes.