Why is there a 3 year long drought taking place in California?


from The National Drought Mitigation Center

For this article, I decided to research information about the drought in California.  According to one author, Joseph Serna, this drought has caused the “fire season”, because of all the fires we have incurred over the past of couple of years. For more information, click the second link listed below.  We are not also having enough rain in California. An article written by Ashley Downes claims that the ALS Ice bucket challenge is also one of the problems since California is in a huge oversized drought. Downes claims that we are dumping buckets of ice cold water over our head for charity, but this is probably adding to why we’re in a drought.  For more information refer to the first link below. I have also placed a video showing of how big the Ice Bucket Challenge has gotten, and who’s doing this challenge. In conclusion to end this drought we need less fires, more rain, and less ALS Ice Bucket Challenges around the world.


http://nationalreport.net/ice-bucket-challenge-contributing-california-drought/ http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/california-drought
