Technology in the Learning Commons

WHoah, technologiaa!!1!!11


Technology has and can improve the lives and ways of homes, schools, towns and even cities around the world *cough cough* Tokyo *cough* Japan *cough cough cough*. What we’ve brought to our school has been making our education, finer, easier, and better to say the least; but this year, the staff is bringing it to us in a brand new way: The Learning Commons. The Learning Commons is basically the library but the person who built it was drinking a lot of Mountain Dew and eating a ton of Doritos, and then upgraded the library to lvl. 17,684, which granted it the ability to help further the education of the school’s students and teachers. The Learning Commons is open to third through eighth grade, and is there for students to research, do work, and maybe just to hang out at recess and lunch. It contains technology of all sorts, including computers, that one place where they livestream announcements, and many many many many many83 books. That’s enough facts on the Learning Commons, instead let us talk about the computers in The Learning Commons. The Learning Commons includes computers, but these computers aren’t just your standard dumbed down computers. These computers are like they were made by Einstein himself. These computers are Samsung Chromebook 2’s, the upgraded version of the chromebooks that junior highers use in their everyday class. There are also different computers as two TV’s with Chrome boxes attached that make them function as a Chromebook. This concludes our article on The Learning Commons and its awesomely amazing-ness. If you scroll down, you can find a place to comment on our article. Please feel free to tell us what our next article should be about. We are very clueless and idealess and don’t know what people want to know and hear. But were still cool. So please feel free to attempt to get on our level.TECHNOlOGY